The Sixth Extinction: a lament
to the tiny ones
Caribbean Monk Seal Nasal Mite
and the nameless ones
a frog from Sri Lanka
to the sleek-skinned water dwellers
Yangtze River Dolphin
and the dog-faced winged ones
soaring in the dusk
Small Samoan Flying Fox
to the feathered-toed snow-walkers
Upland Moa
and the bushy-tailed nest-makers
high up in the hollow eucalyptus
White-footed Rabbit-rat
to the horrible ones
Alvord Cutthroat Trout
and the homely ones
with long nostrils
Santa Cruz Tube-nosed Fruit-bat
and teeth askew
Twisted-toothed Mouse
to the travellers
Ukrainian Migratory Lamprey
the weavers
Cascade Funnelweb Spider
the sticky-tongued ant-eaters
rusty Numbat
to the fantastical
Ilin Island Cloudrunner
and the magical
Florida Fairy Shrimp
to the pouched ones
Tasmanian Wolf
muzzles gaping wide with their last mournful cries
for all the ones lost
and all the ones to follow

Desolation by Sara Harley
Such a beautiful poem and so timely.