Author Archives: Heather Sanderson

About Heather Sanderson

Heather Sanderson is a healer and yoga teacher focusing on reclaiming the sacred feminine and invisible wounds. Originally from Canada by way of Brooklyn, she has lived nomadically since 2017 and has moved 160 times. Her work has appeared in NightBlock. Writing is her medicine. Find her on Instagram and her website. She has also published short healing-related eBooks, which you can find on her Amazon page.


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the capsized cling to laptops
bottom lines sink

will you fast with me?
eat freedom

grasp-less embodiment
grief release my child

birthed spirit
walk decades undead

here I remain, expanded
midwife ush-plush-usher

in beyond normalcy
forced dimensional bridge

bear down, collected

dilation span

yet here we be
awed ask of creation