About Wanda Robson
Wanda Robson was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1926, the fourteenth of fifteen children. In 1943, she began work as a lab technician at the Atlantic Fisheries Experimental Station. She remained at the station until 1975, with the exception of nine years in Massachusetts. In 1975, Wanda moved to North Sydney, Cape Breton, with two of her five children. She served in leadership capacities with Guides Canada for twenty-five years, served three terms as a member of the Nova Scotia Advisory Council for the Status of Women and was a member of the Dr. P. Anthony Johnstone Scholarship committee for six years. In 2000, Wanda enrolled in the University College of Cape Breton and earned a BA in English in 2004. While at CBU, Wanda began speaking about her sister, Viola Desmond, and has since spoken about Viola's story at many schools in Cape Breton and Halifax. In 2010, Wanda accepted the Royal Prerogative of Mercy pardon for Viola on behalf of the family. Wanda is the author of Sister to Courage (Breton Books 2010), a book about Viola Desmond. She has spoken at several ceremonies, conferences and openings. In 2012, Wanda received an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree from Cape Breton University.
A Design for Humankind
There it stands–my mother’s time-worn loom
Holding life’s sweetness and life’s sorrows
A glorious tapestry of entwined lights and darks!
Threads of all colours harmonizing.
Imagine this as a map of the world
Bound together with threads of compassion
Fastened firmly with knots of love.