Perhaps, and Yet
speckled green eyes and calloused hands
focal points to his form
an achromatic shadow that looms
the realization comes with foreign touches
with his sharp intakes of the winter air
he dismantles every fragment of
my being shattered on damp pavement
he lets his footsteps echo as he
and yet
a different night
I’d have succumbed through dinner
allured by speckled green eyes dancing
to the flicker of burning candles
captivated by calloused hands flowing with eloquence
with the warmth of his endearments
with the power he wielded
and yet
such circumstances were not.
to oblivion I will carry them
speckled green eyes and calloused hands
for the realization came with foreign touches
with his sharp intakes of the winter air

Bitter Wind by Signe Constable
Related reading: “I Know You Remember” by Christina McRae
Wow, that’s beautiful!