Article Category Archives: Poetry

she came home

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she came home

you don’t know who they are sometimes
when they come home

the military doesn’t want her
neither do the hospitals or safe houses

I pick her up off of the street
drive her as far from Edmonton
and the military prison as we can get

Club Ed she says soldiers call it

for a month I listen to her cry
while I wean her off
the dumpster diet she is addicted to
clean the vomit and blood make
her use a toothbrush wash
between her toes try my best with
the mouth on her
buy her decent clothes
which she will not wear

insists fatigues
boots without laces
and greatcoat are
the uniform she needs
the prison she carries with her

she volunteered
to die if need be
trained for a
mental commitment to win
did her best
to be a good soldier
did it like the guys did
she says
she knows what’s right
I see it

You need to see a doctor
she says no, terrified…

last month she ate nothing
but Joe Louis and slept…
now, suddenly she’s awake
hassling me when I smoke
ruining my sleep and furniture

training myself not to breathe
without considering her feelings
in her confusion
I’ve been punched, block-tackled
one night she drove my SUV
through the plate glass window
at the bus station
couldn’t get away from my love fast enough
trying to buy a ticket
waving imaginary money
hands splattering blood on the ticket lady

she says I’ve been good to her
can’t bring herself to tell me
bad things she did
she’s made mistakes
I look at her in wonder
she’s one of the country’s finest
what can she mean, what has she done?

I sit with her, pick the maggots
from her abdomen with tweezers
pretend to put them in a box
hum to her in spite of my terror
make her sip a little tea
she heaves dryly, fiercely
slams her head into mine
I hum and rock
ignoring the searing pain around my eyes

why are you doing this, she says
you’re saving me, why?

I don’t know if I’m a man
or an animal who’d kill
to protect his territory
I believe in justice
this country, its military
love, trust, literature, hope, beauty
the civilizing solace of Mozart and
a good glass of wine
now I think
if I get to a sunrise
without her blood on her clothes
or mine
one way or another
tell myself that’s a good night

when she calls herself
garbage la poubelle
in the other official language
I say you’re busted, dented, bruised,
damaged like the rest of us…
your valves have rusted shut
would I do all this
if I believed you were la poubelle

she left my home eleven years ago
shiny braids tucked underneath her hat
thankful for an endless supply of
military issue elastics, she joked

one of the country’s finest
doesn’t know who I am…
this time when she comes home

Where Do You Find Loss?? by Julia Rose Sutherland

Perhaps, and Yet

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Perhaps, and Yet

speckled green eyes and calloused hands
focal points to his form
an achromatic shadow that looms

the realization comes with foreign touches
with his sharp intakes of the winter air

he dismantles every fragment of
my being shattered on damp pavement

he lets his footsteps echo as he

and yet

a different night
I’d have succumbed through dinner
allured by speckled green eyes dancing
to the flicker of burning candles
captivated by calloused hands flowing with eloquence
with the warmth of his endearments
with the power he wielded

and yet
such circumstances were not.

to oblivion I will carry them
speckled green eyes and calloused hands

for the realization came with foreign touches
with his sharp intakes of the winter air

Bitter Wind by Signe Constable


Related reading: “I Know You Remember” by Christina McRae

Even If….

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Even If….

We must persevere.

Even if the hands of society grab and pull at us,
trying to mould our bodies, our souls,
We must break away.

Even if the words of others speak to the darkest thoughts,
We must protect our minds.

Even if the lens only filters black and white
We must see in colour.

Even if the binds of the world begin to unthread,
We must stitch them back together.

Even if around every corner we turn
we are asked to indulge in the worst,
We must say “no.”

Even if the things money can’t buy,
are challenged by the things it can,
We must choose love.

Even if the shadows cast doubt
We must shine our light.

Even if…
We must persevere.

Out of this World by Lily Brigham-Gale

Your Words Don’t Hurt Us

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Your Words Don’t Hurt Us

I laugh and pull her close
She leans her head on my shoulder
Your words don’t hurt us
I love her

I chuckle and squeeze her hand
She smiles weakly
Your words don’t hurt us
I love her

I wince and look to her
She drops my hand
Your words don’t hurt us
I love her

I turn to her and reach out
She steps away
Your words don’t hurt us
I love her

I pocket my hands and drop my gaze
She is not here
Your words hurt us
I loved her…

I still do

Meow by Erin Hollingshead















Related reading: Preview of Double Pregnant by Natalie Meisner

Play Theory

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Play Theory

Her shoe tumbled from my trembling fingertips
I always attempted to put it back onto the slender foot
But I realized that it was no use
I was powerless over this plastic girl

And so I went to my computer
Where I entered into a world
Where I could manipulate everything
With only a blank page
And a keyboard

And my mind

And everything I had wanted to pretend
Tumbled out in words

Ten years later
What comes out
Is no longer pretend
But about everything shaped by my powerlessness

My thoughts
On the challenges I face
For being a girl
For being disabled
In this new world disorder

Women must shout for their rights
They must chant
And blockade
And march
But they must also be silent
With paper and pen

Or computer

Because sometimes
Speak louder
Than actions

Shoe Collage by Various Artists













Related reading: Issue Six—Extraordinary