Yes, I am a Feminist. No, I do not hate men. Yes, I believe women are still oppressed. No, I have never burned a bra. Yes, I wear one. No, I am not a lesbian, but so what if I were? Yes, I wear make-up. No, I don’t like the color pink. Yes, I have long hair. No, I am not a tomboy because there is no such thing. No, I don’t want to be a man. Yes, I am proud to be a woman. No, it is not women’s nature to be nurturing. Yes, we can give birth to a child but we are no less of a woman if we choose not to. No, I do not need you to determine my value, only I can do that. Yes, I believe in birth control. No, I am not a slut. Yes, I believe women are as capable as men. No, I am not making you a sandwich. Yes, you can make me one. No, I am not bitter. Yes, I believe in love. No, I am not butch, but so what if I were? Yes, gender roles are learned. No, I don’t have penis envy. Yes, I talk back. No, I am not blaming men. Yes, we live in patriarchy. No, I do not want to take your last name. Yes, I have no shame in saying VAGINA. VAGINA, VAGINA, VAGINA. No, I do not need you, but we could make a good team. Yes, I am independent. No, it doesn’t matter what she was wearing. Yes, I cry, but I also laugh, fight, and smile. No, I will not be “yours,” I will be mine.
Understorey Magazine is on indefinite hiatus. Please see The Future of Understorey for more information.
Great job of pushing back against the negative connotations of feminism. Happy to hear young women are making it their own.
This is beautiful!
Pingback: Megan’s Rant | MSVU English Department Blog
I wish I had said all that–it has been here inside me but you said it.. Good for you…
We need more young feminists like you and I hope that your friends share your views or will eventually. Well said.
Great work Megan. You will be happy in whatever you do when you stay true to yourself and values!