In support of the Black Lives Matter movement, especially the protests occurring throughout May and June of 2020, we have collected some of the poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction published by Black writers in Understorey Magazine, as well as a new poem by African Nova Scotian writer Robyn Martelly. We have also updated and re-printed Issue 12, a full issue by and about African Nova Scotian Women. We recognise that systemic racism also affects Indigenous people and other people of colour. For more creative work on these topics, see our Teaching/Book Club page and our Past Issues.
Author Archives: Understorey Magazine
Our Future, Our Story: New Climate-Writing by Youth
This entry was posted on .In October 2019, Understorey Magazine and the Alexa McDonough Institute organised a two-day workshop for youth. The focus was on writing about the climate and ecological crisis: journalism, poetry, spoken word, fiction, essay.
From that workshop, and several subsequent workshops, the website Our Future, Our Story emerged.
The site publishes climate-writing by youth in Canada. By March 2020, the site—including vetting and editing submissions, posting articles, design work, and promotion—will be youth-led and youth-run.
Please share information about OFOS and follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
CLOSED Re Nature: Writing on a World under Threat
Free Editing Services for Issue 17
Have something to say about climate change — and not sure how to say it?
Passionate about the environment but new to literary writing?
Understorey Magazine aims to inspire new and emerging writers, as well as support established writers. For Issue 17, we are offering free editing services. Send us your stories and poems. We will send our thoughts on what already works and what can be improved. We can’t publish everything we receive — but we can help you polish your writing and find a place to share it with the world. All submissions must adhere to our general guidelines.

Call for Submissions
Re Nature: Writing on a World under Threat
Understorey Magazine invites submissions of critical writing & visual art
– for a nature in crisis.
- How can we reflect on a natural world that is threatened by our own presence?
- How should we move beyond reflection to inspire action?
- How does environmental crisis dis/affect women in particular?
- How might it further marginalise those already at the margins?
Open to submissions of prose, poetry, visual art – and creative recombinations of these forms – by writers and artists in Canada who identify as women or non-binary.
Honorarium available for accepted work.
See full submission guidelines here.
Deadline: September 30, 2019
CLOSED Diverse Stories of Women on Stage
Text-only follows the graphic below.

Understorey Magazine seeks stories that illuminate the diverse experiences of women* on stage and in performance in Canada.
Send us plays/performance texts that bring the lives and voices of womyn to the forefront.
We are also looking for prose and poetry by women directors, actors, and producers about their experience in Canadian theatre.
Issue editor: Award-winning playwright & professor at Mount Royal University, Natalie Meisner
Honorarium available for accepted work.
1,500 words maximum.
See full submission guidelines here.
*Our definition of women welcomes trans women, non-binary, and genderqueer individuals.
Femmes francophones du Canada atlantique
.Nouveau délai: 3 mai 2019
Nous invitons les contributions des femmes des communautés, des dialectes, des cultures et des histoires francophones divers du Canada atlantique, incluant mais sans s’y limiter, acadiens, brayons, métis français, français terre-neuvien, et de plus, des résidentes actuelles venant des régions francophones du monde.
Understorey Magazine publie les histoires des vies des femmes comme racontées à travers la fiction, la non-fiction créative, la poésie, le drame et les arts visuels.
Racontez-nous une histoire de votre vie et de votre langue:
- Comment est-ce que la langue et la culture déterminent votre quotidien au Canada atlantique?
- Comment est-ce qu’elles influencent vos traditions de longue date?
- Comment préservez-vous votre langue à travers les générations?
- Comment vous la laissez tomber?
- Comment entrez-vous en contact avec les ou restez-vous à l’écart des communautés d’expression française?
Les contributions sont ouvertes aux écrivaines qui s’identifient en tant que femmes et sont des citoyennes canadiennes ou les résidentes permanentes et/ou s’identifient comme première nation, métis ou inuite.
Edité par Rohini Bannerjee, Saint Mary’s University
Veuillez voir les directives de soumission.
Date limite : 3 mai 2019