
Femmes francophones du Canada atlantique

Nouveau délai: 3 mai 2019

Nous invitons les contributions des femmes des communautés, des dialectes, des cultures et des histoires francophones divers du Canada atlantique, incluant mais sans s’y limiter, acadiens, brayons, métis français, français terre-neuvien, et de plus, des résidentes actuelles venant des régions francophones du monde.

Understorey Magazine publie les histoires des vies des femmes comme racontées à travers la fiction, la non-fiction créative, la poésie, le drame et les arts visuels.


Racontez-nous une histoire de votre vie et de votre langue:

  • Comment est-ce que la langue et la culture déterminent votre quotidien au Canada atlantique?
  • Comment est-ce qu’elles influencent vos traditions de longue date?
  • Comment préservez-vous votre langue à travers les générations?
  • Comment vous la laissez tomber?
  • Comment entrez-vous en contact avec les ou restez-vous à l’écart des communautés d’expression française?


Les contributions sont ouvertes aux écrivaines qui s’identifient en tant que femmes et sont des citoyennes canadiennes ou les résidentes permanentes et/ou s’identifient comme première nation, métis ou inuite.


Edité par Rohini Bannerjee, Saint Mary’s University

Veuillez voir les directives de soumission.

Date limite : 3 mai 2019

Youth Creative Writing Workshop: September 27

Join Guyleigh Johnson, author/poet of Expect the Unexpected & Afraid of the Dark for a


Thursday, September 27
4-6 pm

Dartmouth North Community Centre
105 Highfield Park Dr.
(Pinecrest Room)

FREE EVENT with light snacks provided

~Learn about writing poetry & publishing a book~

Please register: OR

Catch My Drift by Genevieve Scott

The relationship between a mother and her child is a rocky phenomenon that can be difficult for some authors to capture. Genevieve Scott’s debut novel, Catch my Drift (Goose Lane, 2018), is a wonderfully realistic story of a complex family, and at the heart is mother and daughter, Lorna and Cara. As a millennial feminist, I’m pleased with even one unique female main character, so to read a novel with two female protagonists—women I was instantly devoted to—was a treat. Lorna’s social awkwardness and ambition, juxtaposed with Cara’s anxiety and longing to fit in, was perfectly told in this story. And while the two characters are like oil and water, I found them both utterly relatable and endearing in their own ways.Continue Reading Catch My Drift by Genevieve Scott

A Circle on the Surface by Carol Bruneau

In 1956, Enman Greene takes his twelve-year-old daughter Penelope out for lunch at a Halifax fish ’n’ chip shop. She believes it’s for her birthday, but Enman has actually brought her there to reveal a secret: the truth about Penelope’s mother.

Once Enman begins his story, A Circle on the Surface (Vagrant Press, forthcoming in 2018), the fifth novel by Nova Scotia author Carol Bruneau, sweeps back to 1943 and the fictional Nova Scotia town of Barrein. It’s a time of great uncertainty, not only because of the war that looms over the lives of the town’s inhabitants, but because of the turmoil brewing between Enman and his new wife Una.

Una and Enman have moved to Barrein to care for Enman’s elderly mother. Una doesn’t like small-town living, however, nor does she like being caregiver to her mother-in-law, a role which has been thrust upon her largely by default. To escape her growing unhappiness, she spends much of her time wandering the beaches alone, where she encounters a mysterious stranger.Continue Reading A Circle on the Surface by Carol Bruneau

Gush, edited by Rosanna Deerchild, Ariel Gordon & Tanis MacDonald

I’d forgotten Judy Blume’s Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret is about religion. What I remember from the book, what most readers likely remember, is that eleven-year-old Margaret desperately wanted her period. For anyone who has had a period—for one year, ten years, forty years—that plot line is so off-the-charts bizarre it’s unforgettable. But the reason Blume’s book was passed around the school yard in the 1970s was not so much that Margaret wanted her period but that she and her friends actually talked about periods, as well as boys, bras, puberty and sex. Few people, youth or adults, spoke openly about such topics, very few about menstruation.

Almost fifty years later, Margaret is still in print and still touted by some as the guide to puberty. So how far have we progressed in terms of open discussion of periods? How much has changed in terms of books we can share, books that start conversations, answer questions, portray common experiences? Not far and not much, I say. Or I did say—until Gush.

Continue Reading Gush, edited by Rosanna Deerchild, Ariel Gordon & Tanis MacDonald